$189.00 USD

Please note: You can cancel your membership at any time, however, there are no refunds. 

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She Deserves More Career Confidence and Visibility Group Program

If you think you deserve more out of life, you're in the right place.

Here's what I know for sure, access to a community can boost your confidence, visibility, wellness, and productivity, so if you're ready to be surrounded by a group of likeminded rock star leaders, here's what you'll get:

  • Bi-weekly group coaching
  • Monthly masterclasses
  • 1:1 Hot Seat Coaching - To flesh out your ideas or practice your pitch to potential clients, executives, brands., etc.
  • Accountability – To support and help you execute your goal, we’ll use the 90 ways 90 days guide to identify visibility activities, track your progress, and achieve optimal performance.
  • AmplifyHer – A cross-promotional partnership program where success partners promote one another OR they participate in joint marketing activities which brings access and visibility to audiences via social media, email marketing, etc. I designed AmplifyHer to help you reach a wider audience and amplify your message.

Ready to stand out and step into the next best version of yourself?

Cool. Let’s do this.

Our first LIVE session will be held on Tuesday, July 27, 2021, at 6 PM. 

Please note: You can cancel your  membership at any time, however, there are no refunds.